Does any of this apply to you?
I want to leave an abusive situation
I think I’m experiencing domestic abuse, but I’m not sure
I know someone who is experiencing domestic abuse
I want to talk to someone about my experience
I want information or support to help with a situation of domestic abuse or forced marriage
I want to know more about healthy relationships
I’m part of an organisation and would like to refer somebody
Call us today on 0161 945 4187 or email us on help@saheli.org.uk
We’re able to talk with you in a range of languages and we offer judgement-free, culturally appropriate support for you, your friends or your colleagues.
Contact us.
Call Saheli on 0161 945 4187 or email us on help@saheli.org.uk
0161 945 4187
Advice and support (9am – 5pm Mon to Fri)