Our mission is to provide support and refuge from domestic abuse to women from Black, Asian and minority communities and their children, to improve social inclusion, build confidence and skills, achieve emotional and practical well-being, and enable them to lead independent lives.
Saheli’s mission
Our aim has always been to bring about positive change in the lives of Black, Asian and Minority women and children, as we seek to empower them to break the cycle of domestic abuse. We provide infrastructure and support for women from diverse communities to build solidarity, hope and skills.
Saheli (meaning friend) is a charity making a big difference in the local community, providing safe spaces, culturally sensitive support, language assistance. Saheli also has a helpline if you would like to speak to someone, or you can email us for help and support. We can provide information and advice and guidance on domestic abuse, forced marriage and honour based abuse.
Why Saheli?
In ethnic minority communities in particular, domestic abuse is not acknowledged and often hidden. However, statistics show that so many young girls have lost their lives as result of forced marriage – this drastic need is echoed by the thousands of girls who ring our helplines asking for urgent support. Many women who contact our organisation have experienced domestic abuse, coercive control, honour based abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse or financial abuse. Our organisation provides a vital lifeline to women and children who are forced to leave their home as a result of abuse and threats to their lives.
Cuts to government-provided services for women means it is more important than ever to strengthen community-led support, like Saheli, to ensure that women who do have to leave their homes do not end up in even more precarious situations. We ensure that mothers and children can remain together, and that they get the support they deserve to live lives without fear or abuse.
Safety ☀ Community ☀ Freedom
Safety ☀ Community ☀ Freedom ☀
Our history
Saheli was founded in 1976 by a group of South Asian Women community activists who had identified a need for support accommodation for Asian women who were fleeing domestic abuse.
They committed to creating a safe place for women to address the hidden harm and silent subject of domestic abuse and ensure women could leave abusive and life threatening situations.
Over the years Saheli has evolved to become an organisation for Black, Asian and Minoritised women and children.
Over the years, Saheli has received funding from:
Saheli was set up
Purpose Build Refuge was build
Saheli started to accept single women in the refuge after the closing of Subah
Hosla meaning empowerment our outreach project was set up.
Saheli started to take Social Work Placement students.
Saheli’s First AGM took place
Refuge became ofsted registered to provide childcare and play sessions in the refuge.
Saheli held its Bollywood raising over £10,000
Saheli was excellence in Service Deliver by Manchester City Council Quality Assurance Standards.
Saheli worked in partnership with Barnardos to develop the Forced Marriage Training Pack and trained over 200 professionals across Greater Manchester.
Saheli launched it research report Forgotten Women - Domestic Abuse, Poverty and South Asian women with no recourse to public funds.
Saheli appointed a Volunteer Coordinator
Saheli appointed a specialist Forced Marriage Worker
Saheli launched it research report on Domestic Abuse and Mental Health: Experience of South Asian Women in Manchester
Priya Chopra CEO of Saheli was invited to speak at the World Refuge Conference in Washington DC
Saheli won Lloyds Foundation Charity of the Year Award
Saheli set up its Social Enterprise Zesty Cusine
Saheli set up Group Work in Northmoor community centre for young women
Savera Saheli group work in Mossside was set up
Saheli won the tender to deliver Refuge Services to Black, Asian and Minority Women in Manchester.
Saheli was awarded Imkaan Quality Standards
Saheli was awarded Women’s Aid National Standards
Saheli led partnership work Maya Project a 1.2 million women and girls initiative fund by Big Lottery Fund in partnership with six other Black, Asian and Minoritised organisation
Maya Partnership won Sprit of Manchester Award
Saheli became part of Positive Change Partnership with The Angelou Centre, Apna Haq, Humraaz, Rochdale Women’s welfare Association. Specialist by and for led model of sexual abuse support for Black and Minoritised women and girls.
Saheli got funding to work in partnership with Bury Asian Active Women’s Project and Rochdale Women’s Welfare Association to do 4 year partnership work support women from Black, Asian and minority communities across Greater Manchester
Saheli received funding from Comic Relief to lead on Champa Champion Project from Comic Relief in partnership with Apna Haq, Humraaz, Rochdale Women’s Welfare Association.
Saheli got funding for a Complex Needs Worker and Children’s Worker from Manchester City Council Burdens Fund.
Saheli organised one week retreat for its service users for the Evaluation Week and this week away was attended by our service users, volunteers, and Staff.
Our impact
The women we have supported have been empowered to live independently away from abuse, getting access to their own living space, entering employment, learning how to manage their finances and navigate society as a single adult. Women have been empowered to make informed choices about their lives, learning to read and write English, access training courses and further education. They’ve developed important skills like risk assessment, learning how to safeguard their children, and built their self-esteem and their confidence.
Many of the women who receive our support then go on to provide support themselves as a mentor to others – in this way, we’re exponentially strengthening the community’s ability to provide support when it’s most needed.
Over 10,000 women have picked up the phone, finding the courage to seek help from Saheli in the last five years. Learn more in the media coverage of our work.
We have been awarded the WAFE, Women’s Aid Federation of England National Standards in excellence in service delivery, supporting women and children from South Asian Community to live life free from abuse.Saheli has been awarded Imkaan Standards for by and For led Black and Minority women-led organisations.